Tarpaulin camp camp
Camp requirement is one of the four mandatory needs of the tarpaulin program.
This is a sign under the new tarpon program (released in August 2017).
- [Tarpot] (https://scandinavianoutdoor.fi/partio/partiomerkit/?property=tarpojien-merkit) are collected around the start mark and purchased separately about every six months
- Tarpojat are 13-15 year old scouts
- [More information on age signs in Tarpoja’s costume and brand instructions] (https://toiminta.partio.fi/sites/partio.fi/files/3-merkkiohje-tarpoja_0.pdf)
The goal of the camp tarpa is to have tarpaulins during a tarpaulin lasting about six months
- learns the necessary patrol skills at the forest camp
- learns to travel in the terrain, prepare for camp and an excursion and, for example, make practical camp structures
- practices loss of responsibility and leadership.
Craftsmanship and construction are highlighted in the section.
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