A kuksa made of birch gnarl, with a bone insert with a carved salmon.
Pahkataide Visaluukuksa Lohi - A kuksa made of birch. The outdoorsman’s one and only cup!
- The handle boasts a bone insert with a salmon
- Made of birch gnarl in Finland
- Instructions:
- Pour hot (not boiling) water in the kuksa
- Wait for two minutes and pour the water out
- Wait at least two hours
- Make coffee and rub the wet coffee grounds to the inside of the kuksa for 3-5 minutes
- Use the kuksa for drinking coffee daily for at least a month - this makes it ready for normal use
- Never use any sort of detergents, soaps or dish washing products on the kuksa - the wood will absorb anything you present it with
- Rinsing is enough of a wash
What does the name mean? Pahkataide means gnarl art, visa is another name for gnarl, luu means bone and kuksa is the name of a wooden cup. Lohi means salmon.
Wood cups/mugs, such as the kuksa, are somewhat antibacterial: after a test period during which a kuksa was used daily for drinking coffee and washed only by rinsing with pure water, the kuksa showed a similar amount of bacteria as a porcelain cup taken straight out of a washing machine after the wash cycle.