Karttakeskus Retkeilijän ABC: tiedot, taidot, varusteet
A great guide book for hikers! Note: all text in Finnish.

Calazo Merimelonta
Learn to paddle better - more than 200 tips!

Calazo Lumivyöry! Tunturihiihtäjän Ja Vapaalaskijan Lumivyöryopas
Learn how to reduce risk levels in potential avalanche areas. **All text in Finnish.**

Calazo Nuotioruokaa
Enjoy food cooked on an open fire! All text in Finnish.

Calazo Kuivaa ruokaa
A guide book for drying food for backpacking use.

Calazo Villin Luonnon Puuhakirja
A book full of ideas on what to do and study in the great outdoors.

Calazo Pienen pieni vaellusopas
Pikkuretkeilijän kurkistuskirja jossa seikkaillaan luonnon helmassa.

Calazo Vaellusruokaa
Back country cook book with 84 recipes. <b>All text in Finnish.</b>

Calazo Tunturivaellus - Suuri vaeltajan käsikirja
A guide book for backpacking in Nordic fell areas.

Calazo Tunturikasvio
200 fellcountry plants with biotope descriptions. <b>Text in Finnish.</b>

Calazo Kungsleden
A Kungsleden guide book in Finnish.

Calazo Vaeltajan Lääkintäopas
First aid for trekkers and backpackers. <b>Text in Finnish.</b>

Calazo Kungsleden
A Kungsleden guide book in Finnish.

Calazo Maastopyöräily
Want to start mountain biking? Read this!

Calazo Repoveden retkeilyopas
Hiking guide from Repovesi paradise

Calazo Kiilopää Guide + Map
The complete package for enjoying the Kiilopää area in Finnish Lapland.

Turun Partio-Sissit ry Lokikirja
Logbook for the Turku Patrol-Sissi Harbor Book Series.

Calazo Vaivatonta Retkiruokaa
Easy and fast hiking and camping food recipes.

- Nuuksio hiking guiedbook and map
A high quality map of the Nuuksio area, and a guidebook in Finnish.

Calazo The energy bar book (in Finnish)
All text in Finnish. 60 recipes for energy bars for hiking, sports ane everyday snacks!

Calazo Helsingin Seudun Retkeilyopas
A hiking guide in Finnish, from the Helsinki area.

Turun Partio-Sissit ry Minisaaristoja
Mini archipelagos - boat routes from the Archipelago Sea and the western Gulf of Finland

Calazo Ahvenanmaan Retkeilyopas
Detailed descriptions of 65 points of interest in Åland.

Calazo Pohjois-Lapin retkeilyopas
Text in Finnish. A guidebook for exploring Northern Finnish Lapland.

Karttakeskus Karhunkierros oulanka retkeilyopas
Karhunkierros, small Karhunkierros and the Oulanka area.

Calazo Muurinpohjan Herkkuja
Griddle cook book. All text in Finnish.

Calazo Herkuttelijan Sienikirja
Gourmet Mushroom Book - Our best mushrooms and the most delicious recipes.

Calazo Venlan Ensimmäinen Tunturivaellus
Read to your child or let them read themselves - a story of Venla's first hike.

Calazo Retkiluistelu
An excellent guide book for Nordic skating.

Karttakeskus Suomen Kansallispuisto Pelikortit
Fun playing cards with regular and national park markings.

Merimaanikko Kotimaan Kiertäjä Merellä
A notebook for those who lighthouses and splendor.

Turun Partio-Sissit ry Great Harbour Book - Lake Saimaa and waterways
Harbour book of the area around Saimaa and Vuoksi. <b>In Finnish and English.</b>

Karttakeskus Kansallispuistot Länsi-Suomi Tutuiksi
112 pages of information from the Western national parks in Finland.

Calazo Vandra på Åland
Vandra på Åland!

Tea Karvinen Kansallispuistot
A renewed print (10th version!) of a super popular national park book. All text in Finnish.

Turun Partio-Sissit ry The Great Harbour Book V - Norrlandskusten
The Harbours of The Swedish Coast of the Gulf of Bothnia

Turun Partio-Sissit ry Great Harbour Book IV - The Finnish Coast on the Gulf of Bothnia
Data book on harbours in the Bothnia region.

Turun Partio-Sissit ry The Great Harbour Book III - Gulf of Finland
Data on Finnish ports, sector III.

Turun Partio-Sissit ry Great Harbour Book II - Åland
Data book on harbours around Åland. <b>Text in Finnish and Swedish.</b>

Turun Partio-Sissit ry Great Harbour Book 1 - Turku archipelago
Harbour book of the area around Turku Archipelago. <b>In Finnish and English.</b>