
Компактные и легкие бинокли – необходимая вещь для любителей путешествий и походов. Для выбора подходящего бинокля важно определиться с целями и задачами. Многие оценят в биноклях водонепроницаемость, а, к примеру. орнитологам крайне важно качество изображения, и ради этого они готовы пожертвовать небольшим весом, выбирая в пользу массивных, но качественных биноклей.

Focus Aquafloat 7x50 Waterproof Compass
199 €
Focus Aquafloat 7x50 Waterproof Compass
Compass and distance scale in 7-fold binoculars.
Focus Explore 8x25
99 €
Focus Explore 8x25
Waterproof and compact, with a reasonable price tag - great performance for the price.
Focus Junior 6x21
29,90 €
Focus Junior 6x21
Children's binoculars with great detail.
Focus Mono II 8x25
69 €
Focus Mono II 8x25
Waterproof monocular.
Focus Fun II 10x25
29,90 €
Focus Fun II 10x25
Light and affordable binoculars with 10-fold magnification.
Focus Outdoor 8x42
109 €
Focus Outdoor 8x42
8-fold magnification and a waterproof structure.
Focus Outdoor 8x32 Waterproof
99 €
Focus Outdoor 8x32 Waterproof
Waterproof outdoor binoculars with a reasonable price tag.
Focus Hawk 15-45 x 60 + Tripod 3950
129 €
Focus Hawk 15-45 x 60 + Tripod 3950
A sensibly priced telescope for bird watching etc.
Focus Explore 8x32
139 €
Focus Explore 8x32
Waterproof general purpose binoculars.
Focus Outdoor II 8x25
89 €
Focus Outdoor II 8x25
Waterproof, affordable binoculars.
Focus Explorer 10 x 32
149 €
Focus Explorer 10 x 32
Waterproof binoculars with a ten-fold magnification.
Focus Action III 10x25
47,90 €
Focus Action III 10x25
Compact binoculars with strong magnification.
Focus Outdoor II 10x25
99 €
Focus Outdoor II 10x25
Waterproof, affordable binoculars.
Focus Outdoor II 10x42
139 €
Focus Outdoor II 10x42
Waterproof, affordable binoculars with 10 fold magnification. Also suitable for use in somewhat dim conditions.
Kowa BDII XD 8x42 Wide Angle
499 €
Kowa BDII XD 8x42 Wide Angle
Waterproof binoculars with a wide angle view.
Focus Scenery 7x50 FF
79 €
Focus Scenery 7x50 FF
Sailing binoculars with a set focus to the distance.
Kowa SV II 10x32
269 €
Kowa SV II 10x32
Waterproof binoculars with great price to performance ratio.
Focus Handy 7x50
63,90 €
Focus Handy 7x50
Reliable binoculars with excellent quality to price ratio.
Kowa SV II 8x32
259 €
Kowa SV II 8x32
Waterproof binoculars with great price to performance ratio.
Focus Outdoor 15 - 45 x 60 + Tripod
139 €
Focus Outdoor 15 - 45 x 60 + Tripod
A waterproof scope for bird and animal watching. Tripod included.
Kowa SV II 10x42
289 €
Kowa SV II 10x42
Waterproof binoculars with great price to performance ratio.
Focus Observer 34 8x34
119 €
Focus Observer 34 8x34
Waterproof binoculars at a reasonable price.
Kowa BDII-XD 10x32 WA
459 €
Kowa BDII-XD 10x32 WA
Quality binoculars with a wide perspective at 10x magnification. Waterproof design.
Focus Outdoor 20-60 x 60 + Tripod
189 €
Focus Outdoor 20-60 x 60 + Tripod
A waterproof scope for bird and animal watching. Tripod included.
Focus Outdoor II 8x42
129 €
Focus Outdoor II 8x42
Waterproof, affordable binoculars. Also suitable for use in somewhat dim conditions.