Calazo Berlevåg & Båtsfjord 1:50000

16.06 €
Самая низкая цена за 30 дней 18.90 €
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Berlevåg and Båtsfjord, map printed with waterfast technology.

Berlevåg or “Päärlyvooki”, and Båtsfrjod or “Paattivuono”, are Norways most North-Western communes, thriving thanks to the ample offerings of the sea. The area is highly interesting for hikers, with mile upon mile of uninhabited shores, arctic highlands and hiking routes.

The Kongsfjord village, with its idyllic accommodation, is highly praised by many outdoor enthusiasts, especially bird watchers. It survived WWII without damage, and the Kjönes lighthouse, more than 100 years of age, nowadays has a hostel.

The map reaches to the Varang national park in the south, with most of the national park visible in another map: the Vardö & Vadsö map.

The map is printed with waterfast ink on waterproof Tyvek material. The map is incredibly strong, and does not require being protected from water.

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