- Kuhankuono Map

A 2022 version of the Kuhankuono map. Text in English, Swedish and Finnish.

Kuhankuono Map — This is a 2022 version of the Kuhankuono map. Route and service markings have been updated to the current status. The map covers the whole area from Raisio to Yläne. The back page contains descriptions of the subroutes. Text in Finnish, Swedish and English. Includes all 11 subroutes: - Haukkavuori route, Around Two Lakes, Around Kangenmiekka, Kareva Circular Route, Kullaa Trail, Trek of the Devil’s Church, Pukkipalo trail, Rehtsuo Route, The Lake Savojärvi trail, The hike of Vajosuo Mire and the Lake Vaskijärvi trail. Up-to-date info on services Info on accommodation and rest benches Info on local bus stops Scale 1:55 000